Bracelets are one of the most versatile accessories, adapting to numerous styles. But do you know how to wear bracelets with style? Finding the perfect material, color, and size for wearing bracelets in style can be challenging. To flaunt them, follow our tips that will help you decide how to combine your bracelets based on colors, materials, the rest of your outfit and other accessories. Here, you’ll find all the information you need to master the art of the perfect combination.

How to wear a lot of bracelets at once with style?

Wearing many bracelets at the same time has become a trend. Have you heard of “stacking”? This is the name given to this new, popular, and fun trend of wearing several bracelets on one wrist, creating a striking and casual effect. To wear them with style, we must combine them with some criteria in mind. We will give you some ideas for wearing many bracelets at once, so you can experiment and discover different styles that match your personality.

Bracelets of different sizes

The key is balance. Play with different sizes and even shapes, as long as you maintain a certain overall harmony. Try alternating thin and thick bracelets in two different materials. You can also arrange them by size. Another option is to choose a larger main bracelet that you want to highlight and add smaller ones around it.

Match the colors of your bracelets

The choice of colors is essential when stacking bracelets. We recommend choosing a base color or color palette for your bracelets. This can be the main color of your outfit or a contrasting one. Experiment with classic looks like black and white or dare to mix metallic tones. Try combining silver bracelets with gold ones for a touch of glamor when wearing an elegant black dress for a special occasion.  For more casual occasions or an everyday look, combine bracelets in stronger and more vibrant colors. How about mixing blue, pink, and purple? If you prefer something more discreet, choose one color and play with different shades of it. 

Materials and Textures

You can mix bracelets made of leather, metal, fabric, pearls, natural stones, etc. To avoid overloading the look and ensure you wear the bracelets with style, we recommend combining a maximum of two different materials.  Try combining metal with leather or fabric.  You’ll create a strong and interesting contrast. In this case, avoid mixing colors as well. Choose one type of metal without decoration and one color of fabric or leather. Another trend is to choose the same material for all bracelets but with different textures.  Leather ones can be smooth, braided or with decorative details like buckles or gemstones. If you choose metal, combine smooth and textured to give more depth and dimension to the overall look.

How to match your bracelets with your outfit?

como llevar pulseras con estilo

To wear bracelets with style, creating harmony between them isn’t enough, you also need to know how to combine them with your outfit. As always, several factors come into play, but mainly it will depend on your personal style and the occasion. We are going to suggest some combinations.

Elegant Evening Outfit: Elegant outfits call for metallic bracelets. If you’re wearing the classic black evening dress, try the combination of silver and gold. Prefer to add a pop of color to the outfit and draw attention to your bracelet? Choose a large, brightly colored bracelet, in red, for example. You can also opt for a red bag and shoes for a completely balanced outfit. 

Sporty Outfit: Silicone or rubber bracelets are ideal for completing a sporty outfit. You can wear several around your watch, but be careful not to mix the colors too much. Stick to a single color and play around with different shades.

Casual Outfit: For the casual everyday outfit, we recommend leather bracelets with metallic details, combined with silver bracelets of the same style. The contrast will surprise you!

Remember that other accessories also form part of your outfit, so it’s a good idea to learn to combine them with your bracelets. It’s easy: if you want the bracelet to be the star of the show, opt for very simple earrings and necklaces of the same or very similar material. Rings require more attention.  The easiest thing is not to wear them if you want the focus on your bracelets. But we recommend elevating your look to the next level by complementing your chosen bracelet combination. Coordinate the materials and colors. For example, if you’ve chosen to combine silver and gold bracelets, try wearing a gold and a silver ring on the same finger. Ensure they are the same model and without any further decoration so as not to steal the spotlight from the bracelets.

Our tips for wearing your bracelets with style are just ideas to help you unleash your creativity and find the ideal combination. Browse different bracelet models on the TOUS online store and create your own mix. Have fun experimenting!